Friday, April 13, 2012

it's now official, diablo 3 is announced

[:1]splash screen:


-When will Diablo III be released?

It's too early to estimate Diablo III's release date. As with all Blizzard Entertainment games, our goal is to create a game that is as fun, balanced, and polished as possible. We intend to take as much time developing Diablo III as is necessary to ensure the game meets our own high expectations and those of our players.|||And the heavens shall tremble.|||Just saw it... Moahahahaha! (I rarely do the evil laughter, but somehoow I got a sudden urge)

great news to all of us.|||OMG IM WATCHING THE GAMEPLAY ITS SOOOO BEAUTIFUL IT LOOKS JUST LIKE OLD D2 WITH MEGA GRAPHIC ENHANCEMENTS!!! FULL 3D PS3 comparible!!!! omg i want I WANT!!!!!!!!|||Upload demo footage ASAP!!!!!! Can't wait to see my first character in action.|||according to the mIRC chat, view is 3/4 overhead isometric, no pots evidently but monsters drop orbs that fill your health, skill bar for fast switching, barbarian class has whirlwind and leap attacks among others, etc.|||here you go:

* the game is NOT AN MMO

* destructible environments||||||11:28 CEST Okay... stupid WiFi gave out. Here's a recap of what we missed: custom loot that looks hot as H-E-L-L, whirlwind skill is in effect for Barbarians, environments are interactive (you can use walls to take down enemies), and they just showed the quest giver from Diablo II. Same voice actor too!

11:30 CEST New class: Witch Doctor. Control over disease, summon pets, and control minds of enemies.

- First pet is the Mongrel... can cast locust swarm on them to give them attack bonus.|||At long last its here !! Whoo Hoooo !!!

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