Monday, April 16, 2012

Confirmed: no LAN play - Page 5


Anyway, my real big fear is that it will require online access for single player. THAT is the concept that bothers me.

Final nail in the coffin I think.|||Terrible decision. And it makes me consider just sticking with D2 and enjoying a game I know is great.

I don't particularly care if I can multiplay on what is essentially a LAN by creating a passworded game on I shouldn't have to. As Thyiad says, it's pointless when it's being done over the distances you're normally networking over on a LAN. Plus, if the game is going to be dropped, I'd rather be able to try and sort out the problem myself, rather than blame Blizzard's software and resign myself to trying again later.

As well as which, LAN games have always been the SP's way of multiplaying. Load up a TCP/IP game and you see your SP characters there, ready to be selected. They're hurting part of their community, not helping all of it.|||I have a very good internet connection and I don't recall ever playing an online game of Diablo 2 where the lag wasn't detrimental to my gameplay. Be it me swinging at something that died one second ago or whatever. Most of us who play LAN like to do it for two reasons:

1) There is no lag.

2) We don't need/want to play with strangers, so we don't care if we can't. (A concept that, admittedly, most people still don't understand.)

The fact that if you want to play with others, you now MUST use, is starting to scare me. I thought people were being ridiculous when they were like "Hopefully Blizzard doesn't force you to use for multiplayer" and now it's actually confirmed that this is the case. :P

So I dunno. I'm very uneasy about this. I can't see why they'd want to force more load onto the servers. What's in it for them?|||5-15 dollars per month|||Quote:

I don't particularly care if I can multiplay on what is essentially a LAN by creating a passworded game on I shouldn't have to. As Thyiad says, it's pointless when it's being done over the distances you're normally networking over on a LAN.

It's worse than pointless, it actively makes the experience worse--not only does everybody get the usual B.Net lag, which wouldn't happen via a local LAN connection, but if they're all sharing the same Internet connection (seems likely in a situation like Thyiad's where several people are playing in the same house) it's going to make the lag even worse because everyone is hitting the same pipe. Not to mention the points that have already been raised about territories that might not get local Battle.Net realms, such as Australia.|||Basically, the only way they're selling me on this forced play is if it's free, and its speed is incredibly ramped up from the usual laggy play. At the very least. At the very least because they've already inconvenienced me by opting to not allow us to play IP/LAN games, so they have to make their forced 2.0 treat me like a king to make up for it. :P

Someone should go on the Diablo 3 forums and bug Bashiok about whether or not they're truly, seriously, and have decided that it's absolutely final that they will not include any multiplayer options aside from And make sure to point him to all the very annoyed people about this.

The graphics petitions were silly, but I can see a LAN petition being more useful (namely because we have actual confirmation that there won't be any). Not that Blizzard listens to petitions, I'm just curious to see how many people are unhappy about this.|||Quote:

Diablo has ALWAYS had LAN play until now...

You can never be sure, and considering their handling of the property thus far, I wouldn't put it past them to include some sort of pay requirement to get a key. Which makes you have to pay money in order to enjoy playing with your friends (along with them paying as well). This reeks of a Wizards of the Coast-type thing and what they are doing with D&D, except even more evil.

It makes 0% sense to not include LAN play. None. And there is no excuse except "we wish to make even more money off you than we otherwise would" that I will buy. Every decision they have made so far smells of money rather than better for the game, which is apparently what they are all about. It's too bad they aren't following that mantra. If LAN lost them money due to pirating, why is D2 one of the best selling games of all time? Why is it still on store shelves to purchase?

Blizzard used to be a small company that cared about making good games for people. Making good games are what made them the money and got them the fans. Now they are money-whores that don't care about the actual game they put out, only the money that comes with it.

Why did you quote what I said and then your post have no relevancy to what you quote?

I never said diablo never had, or, exluded lan in its previous titles. Please re-read what I wrote.|||I wonder if there'll be an alternative method for people from different realms (or who want entirely skill based optimal build matches) to pvp with each other, and what about muling etc in SP? Not that multiboxing was exactly an efficient precursor to ATMA and equivalents were made available. No LAN seems a pretty hard blow at this stage, I agree this increases the likelihood of subscription p2p, but recognise LAN has always been little utilised and for most people redundant.|||Quote:

Why did you quote what I said and then your post have no relevancy to what you quote?

I never said diablo never had, or, exluded lan in its previous titles. Please re-read what I wrote.

I was referring to this statement:

"LAN has always been Multiplayer, BNET has always been Multiplayer, why would they force you to use a multiplayer system in order to play singleplayer? There is no logic in that. Diablo has ALWAYS seperated the two. Hopefully I explained that as clearly as possible."

when I responded thusly:

"Diablo has ALWAYS had LAN play until now..."

You are saying that it always has multiplayer and that there was no logic in such and such decision, whereas I rebuttle that there is no logic in getting rid of LAN play in the first place.|||Quote:

I have a very good internet connection and I don't recall ever playing an online game of Diablo 2 where the lag wasn't detrimental to my gameplay. Be it me swinging at something that died one second ago or whatever.

this is my only real problem with pay to play, if we pay it damn well better be lag free

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