Monday, April 16, 2012

Confirmed: no LAN play - Page 4


How you assume that I don't know. Multiplayer and Singleplayer have ALWAYS been seperated. LAN is Multiplayer, not singleplayer.

Also, that said what is your internet speed? I had DSL back when I was in Fl and I could play FFXI just fine with hardly any lag besides areas that had a large density of players, and that was mostly because my comp sucked bigtime.

I hardly think Australia > USA (wherever they locate server) or Auss > Europe is further than Florida > Japan. Is my reasoning off base?

I have seriously no idea what you mean with your first paragraph. In my post I do not assume anything about you, nor do I discuss obvious things about if LAN is multiplayer or singleplayer.

You might misunderstand my reasoning about not having LAN excluding singleplayer, I should probably have said something about the design decision to bring the players together trough the new battlenet to make it more clear why I suspect there will be no single player option in D3.

My internetspeed doesn't matter. I was talking about the guy who reported to have a 450ms latency in WoW.|||Quote:

I have seriously no idea what you mean with your first paragraph. In my post I do not assume anything about you, nor do I discuss obvious things about if LAN is multiplayer or singleplayer.

You might misunderstand my reasoning about not having LAN excluding singleplayer, I should probably have said something about the design decision to bring the players together trough the new battlenet to make it more clear why I suspect there will be no single player option in D3.

My internetspeed doesn't matter. I was talking about the guy who reported to have a 450ms latency in WoW.

Perhaps, assume is the wrong word, I was more looking for your connection between the two.

LAN has always been Multiplayer, BNET has always been Multiplayer, why would they force you to use a multiplayer system in order to play singleplayer? There is no logic in that. Diablo has ALWAYS seperated the two. Hopefully I explained that as clearly as possible.

I think the socialization of bnet to include all your games into one account is what he is talking about, however I could be wrong. But I know for 100% fact they will not require you to connect to bnet in order to play singleplayer, and if they prove me wrong that is just folly because that is the dumbest decision ever made and makes absolutely 0 I say again 0 logical sense because single player and multi player are directly and 100% different than each other.|||I completely agree with you that it will be a very dumb decision. But I have my doubts about if they will make that dumb desicion or not.

You say that you know it for sure, where did you learn this? Because I have been searching for quotes about it and have found nothing.|||Quote:

I completely agree with you that it will be a very dumb decision. But I have my doubts about if they will make that dumb desicion or not.

You say that you know it for sure, where did you learn this? Because I have been searching for quotes about it and have found nothing.

I say it with about 100% certainty because 1. I think it would actually be the very first game EVER to have this and 2. because it is illogical

That puts that to an even 100% and im 100% confident I am correct in my assertions, because I don't think blizzard is that dumb lol|||Definately not the first game. Guild Wars does it, Mythos, as well as all the mmorpgs (be they free or not).

If Blizzard thinks they can apply the same to Diablo3...|||Quote:

Perhaps, assume is the wrong word, I was more looking for your connection between the two.

LAN has always been Multiplayer, BNET has always been Multiplayer, why would they force you to use a multiplayer system in order to play singleplayer? There is no logic in that. Diablo has ALWAYS seperated the two. Hopefully I explained that as clearly as possible.

I think the socialization of bnet to include all your games into one account is what he is talking about, however I could be wrong. But I know for 100% fact they will not require you to connect to bnet in order to play singleplayer, and if they prove me wrong that is just folly because that is the dumbest decision ever made and makes absolutely 0 I say again 0 logical sense because single player and multi player are directly and 100% different than each other.

Diablo has ALWAYS had LAN play until now...

You can never be sure, and considering their handling of the property thus far, I wouldn't put it past them to include some sort of pay requirement to get a key. Which makes you have to pay money in order to enjoy playing with your friends (along with them paying as well). This reeks of a Wizards of the Coast-type thing and what they are doing with D&D, except even more evil.

It makes 0% sense to not include LAN play. None. And there is no excuse except "we wish to make even more money off you than we otherwise would" that I will buy. Every decision they have made so far smells of money rather than better for the game, which is apparently what they are all about. It's too bad they aren't following that mantra. If LAN lost them money due to pirating, why is D2 one of the best selling games of all time? Why is it still on store shelves to purchase?

Blizzard used to be a small company that cared about making good games for people. Making good games are what made them the money and got them the fans. Now they are money-whores that don't care about the actual game they put out, only the money that comes with it.|||What a bunch of morons.

Well done blizzard, you just saved this household at least �80; probably more (we have six sets of D2 & LoD here). If you think I'm playing in a closed game via Bnet to MP with someone who lives in the same house you are out of your mind.

Would it cost you THAT much to impliment it? No, would it make some people happy and take a little pressure of your servers, yes. I don't care if it's financially a good decision, it's a PR screw-up.



I would support removing the ability to take SP chars onto Bnet; we don't accept Open chars in the MP/trade pool here. But SP offline characters should be able to MP over LAN with other SP offline chars. Any other decision is a bad one.|||I'm guessing they're doing it to combat piracy and possibly cheats. That was Hellgate's reason, except I don't think anyone wanted to pirate or cheat that. Though I vaguely recall a speed hack, maybe.||| Blizzard Quote: (Source)

Currently we plan to allow players, even offline.

Odd comment.

Also, does anyone feel like trying to dig up some LAN figures for gaming or specifically DII or such?|||Quote:

I'm guessing they're doing it to combat piracy and possibly cheats. That was Hellgate's reason, except I don't think anyone wanted to pirate or cheat that. Though I vaguely recall a speed hack, maybe.

That's most likely why, but as I said before, all this will do is make the community code up a new proxy front-end for D3 which will fool it into a fake LAN. Just like the Steam Emulators out there.

Of course, what this does is give people even MORE reason to pirate the game.

Funny how our most active forum here is the single player forum, huh?

Anyway, my real big fear is that it will require online access for single player. THAT is the concept that bothers me.

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