Friday, April 13, 2012

Latest "online only" excuse, from Frank Pearce

[:1]I laughed at this quote from Frank Pearce, in a new interview from Gamescom.

Blizzard Quote: (Source)

Eurogamer: We won't be able to play Diablo 3 on a commute. Does that matter?

Frank Pearce:
It's a valid request. For us, the server software is going to be running on our hardware infrastructure and not on the client hardware. To allow the server software to run on the client hardware is additional effort on our part, and we want to get Diablo 3 into the hands of our players as quickly as possible. It's already going to be a challenge for us to do that this year.

Part of the decision as it relates to that is, is it more important we give the people who are on occasion going to want to play offline the ability to do that? Or is it more important we get this game into the hands of our players as quickly as we can? We decided we wanted to get it into the hands of our fans as quickly as possible.

That's a new one for me, in their revolving door of excuses. So SP would have taken longer? Remember a year ago, when it was still in the game and Bashiok was talking about how they were going to "discourage" us from using it?

So apparently it was quicker to develop the game with SP all along, then rip it out right before shipping and require a connection to play. Anyone buying that?

We should compile a list of their excuses for the recent changes. Have they said SP mode in D3 would let the terrorists win yet? Would it kill kittens? I've lost track.

Update: Incidentally, I don't entirely reject their security/piracy reasons for the change. But like most of you guys, I feel a bit insulted by their perpetual prevarications on justifications. It seems like they're just throwing any excuse at the wall they can think of and seeing what will stick.|||A classic case of the (continual) smearing of fecal matter on oneself, why do they not see this and stick to data security solely?|||Though this "excuse" is likely technically true, I wish they would just stick with explaining the benefits to security and patching. Reasons like this just give the people who can't argue the real benefits of a mostly server-side infrastructure something easier to argue.|||Funny thing is, they'll move the release date of Diablo 3 cause of RMAH (according to recent news). I guess the vocal minority that bought items online during diablo 2 times spoke with their most powerful voices - wallets. It's a shame that they're being catered to, instead of SP playerbase... sigh...|||Oh man, I nearly spit wine all over my computer screen at that comic because it is so true!|||Quote:

That's a new one for me, in their revolving door of excuses. So SP would have taken longer? Remember a year ago, when it was still in the game and Bashiok was talking about how they were going to "discourage" us from using it?

Them planning to include it doesn't mean it was already in.|||No idea about their EU propaganda, but I think it's pretty obvious that the real reason for no offline play is security and the integrity of their client/server model. Which is undeniably a legitimate design reason, even if it is unfriendly for players with poor or no internet access.

I do think that the "playing on a commute" angle is sort of adorable, and very stereotypically European. The group of would be offline players I find the most sympathetic, personally, are members of armed forces.

And if you don't mind my saying so, I think this horse has been beaten to death and beyond. Blizzard is making lousy excuses instead of coming out and saying "we care more about preventing a few dupes than about letting you enjoy the product that you spent X dollars on." But it's basically the same old same old.


Funny thing is, they'll move the release date of Diablo 3 cause of RMAH (according to recent news). I guess the vocal minority that bought items online during diablo 2 times spoke with their most powerful voices - wallets. It's a shame that they're being catered to, instead of SP playerbase... sigh...

Totally unfounded rumor, read that thread all the way through.|||Quote:

Totally unfounded rumor, read that thread all the way through.

Hold on a minute. I'm pretty sure i saw a news post on front page with blue quote on that. Did my brain accidentally jump into parallel-rmah-complainer universe or there was some news removed from main page? I'm 80% sure i read this, i'm not that irrational to pull such statements out of my hindside...

After further thought, wasn't there something said about RMAH being basically an afterthought, and game wasn't made in the beggining with it in mind? Tell me people, am i going insane?|||Why does Blizzard still allow Frank Pearce to talk?

"Do you really want chat channels?"|||Quote:

Hold on a minute. I'm pretty sure i saw a news post on front page with blue quote on that. Did my brain accidentally jump into parallel-rmah-complainer universe or there was some news removed from main page? I'm 80% sure i read this, i'm not that irrational to pull such statements out of my hindside...

After further thought, wasn't there something said about RMAH being basically an afterthought, and game wasn't made in the beggining with it in mind? Tell me people, am i going insane?

OK, here we go. Last month in the conference call Mike mentioned that one reason they didn't have a date set was that the RMAH was still being set up. You may recall that at that point the RMAH had JUST been announced.

A helpful community member accidentally listened to the old call instead of today's call. He posted the old soundbite and one of the admins put it up on the front page. Eventually we realized that the quote was not current, and that news post was removed.

So I guess it isn't *totally* unfounded, but I think that a hand-wavey example of a new feature a month ago is not the same thing as a reason the beta was not launched right on September 1st.

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