Saturday, April 21, 2012

Question about Weapon Damage - Page 2

So how is crit chance calculated if you are dual wielding and have a crit chance bonus on both weapons and you are using a skill like Shockwave ?|||It may end up being just like D2 where there is no global cooldown between skill usages but you still have to wait for the attack to complete before you can use it again. Like hitting the next frame breakpoint with IAS. If D3 uses a system like that (only with no breakpoints) then skills used with slower weapons will take longer before you can use it again.

If it doesn't work like that then I've got no answer for you other then 1h weapons will just have half the power/stats/dps of 2h weapons.|||Quote:

So how is crit chance calculated if you are dual wielding and have a crit chance bonus on both weapons and you are using a skill like Shockwave ?

I think both weapons should be calculated separately... it's not really rocket science to code it

Question about Weapon Damage

I have noticed that a lot of the skills from the physical damage dealing classes say that they deal things like "100% weapon damage". When talking about weapon damage and using a two hander vs. two one handers, is the weapon damage that the skill uses based off the weapon in the main hand (WoW) or both weapons together? It would seem to me that a two hander would hit more slowly but for a higher amount of damage. Does anyone that has had time with the game know this or have any idea at all?|||The exact mechanics are unknown, but Blizzard essentially stated that the choice between Dual Wield and Two Hander is "designed to be aesthetic."

In short, the two weapon damage will add up in a manner that makes them "equivalent" to the damage of an equal level two hander item.|||I read that quote but the manner in which he said that they would be equal was this:

"There's obviously a difference in the way they play, yeah. Two-handers are bigger, slower, but feel more powerful. And dual-wield is much faster and bashier. What I meant was from a damage perspective they should be balanced so that no matter what you use, two hander or dual wield, you're going through enemies at the same pace. One slow two-handed swing would equal a few bashes from dual wielding."- Bashiok

From what Bash said it sounds like he means basic attacks, but with skills you are talking weapon damage. This is where my question comes in. When you are dual wielding are both weapons taken into account or just the main hand like wow's system. If that is the case, wouldn't a 2 hander be more beneficial to a class that isn't going to be using their basic attacks such as the monk?|||Isn't the damage based on the weapon that is actually swinging ? Swing 1 with weapon 1 with skill that deals 150% damage = 150% of weapon 1 damage ? Then Swing 2 with weapon 2 with skill that deals 150% damage = 150% of weapon 2 damage ? Then weapon 1 again, etc... With dual wield weapons, the attack would be about 1/2 slower, but the base damage for these weapons would be about double ? That is just a wild guess, I should check the wiki. Give me a few minutes....

Edit : Hum... that is a good question, but I think for "simple skills" what I have described would work, as you would do a bit more damage with two handed weapons while using those skills, but the attack speed of the dual wield would kind of compensate. For the more impressive skills, I guess they would somehow combine both weapon damages and apply the skill modifier on that (and possibly add some extra magic calculations if necessary to balance things out).|||Quote:

From what Bash said it sounds like he means basic attacks, but with skills you are talking weapon damage.

Considering that 99% of the damage you will be doing will come from skills, I am fairly certain he meant overall balance.|||How would that work out konfeta seeing as the monk in the videos ISN'T move any slower when using a staff than he does when dual wielding. Its cause the speed of his skill is the same I assume.

Someone responded on the official forums with : "Specific Spell weapons damage based will be, in most of the case, similar to concetration,beserk,etc from D2.

After that, you can think what you can ^^"

Translation anyone?|||I could see situations where two-handers could be better. If a monk's Seven Sided Strike does let's say, 7 attacks at 50% weapon damage, you would think the pure damage of a staff would be better, and I don't think staves slow the skill down.|||Many games are normalizing weapon damage.. so in Diablo it could work in pretty much same way...

Normal attacks and attacks which depend on attack speed will use real damage values..while instant attacks will use DPS .. so 150% weapon damage means 150% of fast weapons wont deal less damage just because these are faster.|||Quote:

Someone responded on the official forums with : "Specific Spell weapons damage based will be, in most of the case, similar to concetration,beserk,etc from D2.

Basically that's an overly fancy way of saying that that there will be skills that use are based off weapon damage.


Normal attacks and attacks which depend on attack speed will use real damage values..while instant attacks will use DPS .. so 150% weapon damage means 150% of fast weapons wont deal less damage just because these are faster.

Something like that would make sense, actually. Basing skill damage off the "Damage per second" value will likely eliminate any basic imbalance between Attack Speed vs. Damage considerations.

A skill like "Cleave," which is effectively a regular attack would behave as normal from Attack Speed and Damage. A skill like Shockwave, on the other hand, would have to be based off DPS.|||Using dps is certainly a feasible option; of course it would have to be based off of the total dps of main and off-hand damage in order for dual weild to be equitable to two-handed damage. Perhaps there is an "overall character weapon dps total" that can be used as the skill base.

You think youre excited for beta huh?

Just imagine if and when there is an official date and a preorder collectors edition.|||nice post......|||Quote:

Just imagine if and when there is an official date and a preorder collectors edition.

I want my 10 seconds back please !|||oh you know it was an amazing post.|||It was wonderful|||Can I get in on this too? ...Welcome to the Pen15 club, yay!|||Does this genuinely amuse you, or do you think anyone else will find it clever/amusing?


Next time, make threads with contents because it was totally useless ... .


Welcome aboard comrade !|||Little bit more content would have been good in your opener AzmodansWrath. Otherwise this could have been added to another thread.

What do you want in D3 Beta news/content coverage?

Hey guys.

Elly and I have been talking about what we're going to focus on when the beta kicks off, and it occurred to me that I don't really know what you guys most want to know. I assume you'll want to see videos; we'll be linking to live streams of people playing, and putting up a bunch of screenshots and interface views and such. But what else? What should I be focusing on during my play time?

Do you want write ups of content? Quest walkthroughs? Summaries of the game story info? Comparative analyses of class strengths and weaknesses? Item stats?

Obviously we'll be doing all of that, for the site and the wiki, but I'm just wondering where we should focus our initial efforts, and to how much depth.

Obviously the beta isn't very much of the game, and we already know pretty much everything that's in it in general terms, but with the whole thing in our hands we'll be able to go into much more specifics.|||As many of the game mechanics as you can find. Doubt there will be anything else worthwhile from "Up to Blood Raven" amount of game content.|||Hey Flux, first off, THANKS for asking and actually seeking community feedback. We appreciate it.

Second, I have been encoding some high quality 1080p videos for Chris at GGG (Path of Exile Beta) and they have been looking great. So for me, I am just a technical junkie and I want to see a FULL QUALITY 1080p video (not a stream) and all the video/sound/interface options.

Third, any info on lore/quest info would be great even though we know Blizz will tear some out.

Thanks again!|||HD videos w/ intelligent, knowledgeable commentary.|||I am interested in mechanics of skills etc more than anything. I really want to see and hear how they actually play out and how the new energy mechanics are affected or their effectiveness. And of course great footage with clear and concise narration.|||I want to know what its like to actively use multiple skills. switching back and forth between several of them, based on some type of strategy. is it as good as blizz claims it is? after the newness wears off?|||@Flux, will there be separate beta forums after it launches or will most discussion still be in this forum?|||Live stream of people playing will be on the frontpage Of this website?

I would like to know if the beta discussions are in the current forum of D3. Could it be possible to push a "spoiler button" inside beta test threads so we can decide if we want to read or not about specific infos inside the beta? On the other side, if it's too complicated by using a spoiler button, could it be possible to put a specific color for each threads in relation with official beta test.|||I want data! Screenshots of the interface! Tooltips! Numbers! Stats! The beginnings of an item database!|||High quality sound effects would be nice. I feel like all the videos we get lately are muted or playing other music in the background.

Other than that I mainly want to see in depth skill analysis and some armor progression (what little there will be in the small portion of act 1 available).

Resource System

So, I couldn't find a thread on this in the first five pages of this forum, which I think is approximately the time frame in which the resource system was posted on Bnet. Here's what I perceived, based on the intentionally convoluted explanations given by Blizzard.

WD - Mana. Same as from earlier Diablos.

Wizard - Mana. Just with a different name, and colour.

DH - Mana. Only, there are two mana gauges. Some skills, generally the more blatantly offensive skills, cost mana A, and the other skills cost mana B. They have different quantities and regeneration rates.

Monk - One of the only two classes who really has a new, unique resource system. Basically, this is a more sophisticated incarnation of the Assassin's combo system from D2. He has skills that build up spirit, and skills that cost spirit. So he's using combos to the best of his efficiency by constantly gauging his gauge (heh....). The gauge is also static when the player does nothing, so he's(she's) in charge of the pace of combos.

Barbarian - This one's my favourite system (although that doesn't mean barb is my favourite class). Fury constantly degenerates, which forces you to play as quickly and intently as possible in order to keep the gauge up. It builds up by your dishing or receiving damage. This makes skills that cost fury behave like Final Fantasy 9 style Limit Breaks. I just hope you can rarely (or never) get to the point where a skill does so much damage, it builds up more fury than it costs.

Does anyone have any comments or criticisms of my take? What makes the first three resource systems truly unique?|||Keep in mind that the WD's mana and the Wizard's arcane power work in completely different ways.|||"Completely" is a bit of an overstatement.|||Quote:

"Completely" is a bit of an overstatement.

Well, completely, in the sense that one is a pool that scales with level and regenerates slowly, and the other is a pool that is fixed and regenerates quickly.

I guess they are about as similar as a Mage's mana and a Rogue's energy in World of Warcraft. Which is to say, not very.|||Quote:

Well, completely, in the sense that one is a pool that scales with level and regenerates slowly, and the other is a pool that is fixed and regenerates quickly.

I guess they are about as similar as a Mage's mana and a Rogue's energy in World of Warcraft. Which is to say, not very.

Actually, if this is the case, I think they should remove cooldowns from the wizard entirely. Let Arcane Power be the entire limiting factor of spell casting, since level shouldn't affect how often you can cast spells.|||

It even had "Resource" in the title of the thread.

Environmental Threats - Page 2

I love environmental threats; I think it's a welcome addition. I would like to see a lot more.

I think one example of a great thing they can do is, for some small levels (caves like the Underground Passage in D2, for example, where it's a small quick passageway through which you traverse, and not a big chunk of the act), is give certain locations a hazardous form of air, such as really hot air, or toxic air, which slowly drains your life. That way, you really have to get yourself focused before entering the level, and then you have to do things quickly once you get in, while still being careful not to over commit, and get yourself killed by monsters.|||The giant hatchets are awesome. I want MOAR.|||Quote:

I love environmental threats; I think it's a welcome addition. I would like to see a lot more.

I think one example of a great thing they can do is, for some small levels (caves like the Underground Passage in D2, for example, where it's a small quick passageway through which you traverse, and not a big chunk of the act), is give certain locations a hazardous form of air, such as really hot air, or toxic air, which slowly drains your life. That way, you really have to get yourself focused before entering the level, and then you have to do things quickly once you get in, while still being careful not to over commit, and get yourself killed by monsters.

There was a level like this in a favorite game of mine, Armored Core (where my namesake comes from fyi.) Closed, cramped corridors filled with an acidic gas that was constantly chipping away at your life total in addition to having to deal with the enemies in this claustrophobic place that made it nigh impossible to dodge their shots...

**** THAT LEVEL!! **** IT TO HELL!

Sorry... Bad memories.|||I thought this was gonna be about trees and squirls and stuff.

I don't (or wouldn't) mind them being in the game, I think it helps for more diversity, that is if they are punishing enough. If they are like in d2, for ex. fire in houses in tristram, people will soon forget about it and thats that.

Environmental Threats

Watching the Wizard video on the front page today, I see the fire dungeon now has environmental threats in the form of giant hatchets the player has to time their progression to pass through. I'm assuming if hit by them, you'll either instantly die, or take a massive amount of damage. This sort of thing was in Torchlight, and it didn't really seem to contribute much. This isn't Megaman or Mario, I think it just kind of gets in the way of the PvE, plus your summons/hirelings etc are too stupid to safely make it through traps like this. But I don't mind as long as they don't overdue it. Maybe 1 or 2 traps of this sort limited to 1 or 2 dungeons, but if they throw these sorts of things everywhere it's gonna be annoying.|||They did a fair amount of damage to the player but seemed to do a lot more damage to the enemies. We'll probably see more stuff like that thrown around here and there, but they are far from spelling your doom if you accidentally misclick and get hit by them... On normal mode at least. Gloves come off on Inferno though.|||Quote:

They did a fair amount of damage to the player but seemed to do a lot more damage to the enemies. We'll probably see more stuff like that thrown around here and there, but they are far from spelling your doom if you accidentally misclick and get hit by them... On normal mode at least. Gloves come off on Inferno though.

Good point. Is it possible that one of their main intentions with these environmental threats is to frustrate bots in Inferno?|||Quote:

Good point. Is it possible that one of their main intentions with these environmental threats is to frustrate bots in Inferno?

Bot traps. What a brilliant solution!|||Well it is an Action RPG, so I think things that add more dodging and timing and moving are welcome additions. I don't want to simply play 'click on the monsters and hope my numbers are bigger than their numbers." I want reasons to have to move around and re-position my character.

These types of traps are certainly more interesting than the "touch the chest or barrel and randomly take damage" variety.|||That might work pretty well on bots, good thought!

It seems they also just want to slow down the play a bit, and make the game less about getting to a certain spot really fast, but about the entire game.|||In the blizzcon 2009 build it got to a point that the cave we were in was about to collapse and a timer popped up showing how much time you had left to escape.|||I like the idea of environment threats, and i hope to see more of thous in the game.

They did a great job with the environment being able to use it to our advantage like colliding stones and stuff.


In the blizzcon 2009 build it got to a point that the cave we were in was about to collapse and a timer popped up showing how much time you had left to escape.

I would like to see the cave actually collapse while escaping, being able to get hit by falling stones and stuff!

GIMME DYNAMICSSS!|||or when you openj the botom chest of the "Cave" it dings "you have 2.223 min to escape"|||Perhaps you only have "soo " long to clear instanced areas, maybe they give say "20:00 "Min to clear the "cave" and when 20 min is up you get 5 min to escape or it collapses

impossble to clear noaw fine. impossab;le to clear in 3 months! no, way